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Flower Bouquet

How to ship your bouquet

If based locally many people prefer to hand deliver their bouquet themselves. But if thats not possible it may mean the flowers will need to be shipped. Here are some simple instructions for shipping your bouquet to us!


We promise, it is not as difficult as it may sound. We receive many bouquets through the post and they are always absolutely fine! Just follow these instructions carefully and your bouquet will be perfectly happy.

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Gathering supplies. Here is a list of everything you should need to post your bouquet.

  • a sturdy cardboard box

  • a cardboard florists vase

  • a newspaper

  • kitchen roll

  • sandwich bags

  • elastic bands

To make this step simpler we do have a "Packaging Kit" on our shop which we send out 2 weeks before your wedding so you're all set!

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Newspaper. Scrunch up newspaper pages and stuff them around the edges of the box to hold it securely in place.

Do not use any bubble wrap as this can make the flowers sweat and discolour. 

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Placement. Put the bouquet carefully into the cardboard vase. With the paper packing It should fit quite snugly and not move around too much at this point.


Put some more newspaper in the vase if your bouquet is too wobbly.

Then pack some more newspaper loosely around the sides and top of the bouquet, trying not to squash them too much.

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Boxing. If your box is not quite tall enough you can always chop an inch off the bottom of the stems. Don't be scared - it's actually good for the flowers as they will absorb the water much better!

Make sure the box is not more that 60cms tall or the post office will make you use a more expensive delivery option.

Write our address and 'FRAGILE FRESH FLOWERS' on the box. (This is already completed on our "Packaging Kit"

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Stems. From the bottom of the bouquet trim around an inch (might need more if the flowers are too tall for the box) .


This is because the bottoms will have sealed themselves up since your florist made the bouquet so you will be helping them to absorb the water.

Wet some kitchen paper and fold it up around the BOTTOM of the stems. Don't just wrap it around the sides. They drink from the bottom.

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Fill in the included form if you have purchased our "Packaging Kit"or otherwise just include a piece of paper with all your details written on it.

Please include:

  • your full name

  • contact email

  • phone number.

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Vase. Put a cardboard vase in the centre of your box. You could improvise with something similar, or you can buy one cheaply on Amazon if you still have time.


TIP: Clients have taken the vase to their wedding venue to hold the flowers once they are not being used. This keeps them straight without any damage.

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Put a sandwich bag around the kitchen paper and the bottom of the stems. This will stop the water from leaking all over the rest of your box.

Use an elastic band to secure the plastic bag in place.

TIP: Some florists say that keeping the flowers cool and not over heating helps keep them fresh. Adding an ice block inside another zip lock bag inside the box can help!

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Seal. Once happy with the stability of the box, seal it closed with packaging tape.


Attach our address on the box, this will be supplied via email when booking or inside the box when ordering a "Packaging Kit".


Request at the post office for Special Delivery Before 1pm Service. It should cost around £14 depending on box dimensions.

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